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Failed payments

What happens when my payment is declined?

Dave Stark avatar
Written by Dave Stark
Updated over a week ago

For subscription plans, PhotoUp will automatically try to charge the primary payment method you set up in your account on your scheduled billing date. If payment on the primary method is declined, PhotoUp will then try to charge your secondary payment method. If billing is declined on both cards, an automatic notification email will be sent to your account informing you that billing was declined and that you need to update your payment methods. Should payment not be received within three days, your account will be locked with no ability to upload additional work or access previously completed batches and all Single Property Websites and Virtual Tours live on your account will be deactivated. Your account will be unlocked automatically when payment is received. Once your billing method is updated, you will have the ability to pay off your existing balance or you can contact to have our sales team run payment for you.

For monthly subscription plans, if payment is not received by the end of the month and no batches have been uploaded by the client in that month, PhotoUp will cancel your subscription plan and move your account to On-Demand status retroactive to the end of the previous calendar month. At this time all Single Property Websites and Virtual Tours will be deleted, all rollover or forever credits will be lost and BackUp Centre will switch to "until free storage runs out" mode deleting any additional stored images that go beyond the free storage amount.

If credits have been used in that month or SPW or VT made active, then PhotoUp will cancel the plan as of the end of the month where payment was missed and send the outstanding balance, including any outstanding payments from previous months, to collections. No additional funds will be required of you until you wish to use PhotoUp again.

For annual subscription plans, PhotoUp has the choice to cancel the plan at the end of the then current month if payment is not yet received, following the steps outlined above for monthly subscription plans, with all consequences of plan cancelation applicable, but also reserves the right to continue to try to charge the Client for two further months from the date of the original missed payment. If the user fails to make their instalment payments for three consecutive months, by the end of the third month PhotoUp will consider their account delinquent and retroactively cancel the subscription plan retroactive to the last month during which their monthly instalment was received. At that point the user will owe half of the remaining balance on their subscription plan and it is PhotoUp’s policy to collect that balance using a third party collection agency. Having an outstanding balance collected via a collection agency can affect the user’s credit score.

*PhotoUp does not issue cash refunds for unused credits.

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