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File Delivery Options

At PhotoUp we offer you three free export options in our uploader allowing you to have your files delivered at full size, high res, web res.

Devon Higgins avatar
Written by Devon Higgins
Updated over 4 years ago

File Delivery Options

At PhotoUp we offer you three free export options in our uploader allowing you to have your files delivered at full size, high res, web res, and with or without a watermark.

We also offer three file options: JPG70, JPG100, and TIFF.

JPG70 is a slightly more compressed version of a normal JPG. It is perfectly fine for all web use and most print use.

JPG100 is as uncompressed as a JPG file can be, meaning it is both larger in size and contains more data. Choose this file type if you want a higher quality image for larger prints or if you wish to do any additional editing to your images after you receive them back from us.

TIFF files are uncompressed images, containing all the data from all levels of editing that has been done. This is the file type you should select if you want the maximum amount of flexibility for future editing.

As TIFF files are uncompressed images, they contain lots of data and therefore can be quite large files. It is PhotoUp policy to only offer uncompressed TIFF files. Resizing these files to meet a specific MB threshold takes extra time and is not something we can offer at this time.

As JPG100 and TIFF files are both larger file types and therefore take up more bandwidth, there is an additional charge associated with each.

File Size on Delivery

When delivering your images, we export at the quality (JPG70, JPG100, or TIFF) and the dimensions you've selected when you upload the images. The size (in MB) of the resulting files are determined by the contents of the images themselves - the number of colors present, the variation in light and dark pixels, etc. - not any additional difference in quality or dimension. As it is time-consuming to check the size of files after we export, we cannot guarantee that files are bigger or smaller than any particular MB size and it is our policy not to make adjustments to the file size after we export. If you are finding your files are routinely bigger than you'd like them to be, we recommend you chose smaller dimensions for your export.

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