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Daily Upload Limit
Daily Upload Limit

Is there a limit to the number of photos I can upload per day?

Devon Higgins avatar
Written by Devon Higgins
Updated over 4 years ago

There is no limit to the number of photos you can upload per day. However, since the capacity we reserve for you is based on your subscription plan, there is a daily maximum amount of editing that our editors can handle for your account each day. This capacity is 60 credits for the Basic, Lite, and Pro Plan and 15% of your total number of monthly credits for all other plans. You will still be able to upload photos beyond your daily cap but any photos that exceed your daily capacity will have a slightly longer turnaround time. The breakdown is as follows:

Daily Credit Caps:

  • Starter = 60 credits

  • Basic = 120 credits

  • Lite = 120 credits

  • Pro = 120 credits

  • Pro Plus = 180 credits

  • Premium = 240 credits

  • Premium Plus = 300 credits

  • Small Team = 360 credits

  • Medium Team = 540 credits

  • Large Team = 720 credits

Added Time:

  • 1 to 30 credits over your cap: +8 mins per credit

  • 30 to 60 credits over your cap: +12 mins per credit

  • +60 credits over your cap: +16 mins per credit


  1. Pro plan client uploads five batches of 30 credits each first three batches (120 credits) will have a normal deadline based on the time they were uploaded. The fourth batch will have a turnaround deadline of 4 hours after the "normal" deadline.150 credits uploaded – 120 credit cap = 30 credits over cap; 30 x 8 min = 240 extra minutes

  2. Starter plan clients upload three batches of 30 credits each first two batches (60 credits) will have a 24-hour turnaround deadline. Batch three will have a turnaround deadline of 28 hours (30 credits over x 8 min = +240 min)

UPDATED Rush batches: If a rush batch does not exceed the 15% credit cap itself (i.e. not in combination with other batches) there are no penalties on the RUSH batch. e.g. if you're on a starter plan and upload a rush batch of fewer than 60 credits, there are no time penalties at all on the rush batch even if you go over the credit cap with other uploaded batches.
If a rush batch does exceed the 15% credit cap the penalties are only 1/2 as harsh. e.g. if you're on a starter plan and upload a batch of 65 credits - the extra credits will only +4 minutes per credit penalties instead of +8 minutes per credit - so your batch will be due in 12h20m

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